Nelinda in the toilet is a meme made by a group of teenagers through quarantine.
It began when a girl named Nelinda went into the bathroom and filmed a video of going there, at the time she was also talking to her internet boyfriend she has never seen before. In the group we began asking who is in the toilet Nelinda showed in the video. One of us said that Nelinda was in it and the others joined in, that's how Nelinda in the toilet was created.
With time our group made a story of how Nelinda ended in the toilet. Her internet boyfriend dressed up as Foxy the pirate fox from Five nights at Freddy's and flushed her down the toilet, then in a moment of regret he flushed himself down the toilet too. Tho Nelinda wasn't flushed into some dirty drain she was flushed down into a circus who's manager was another "friend" of us. She joined the circus as the clown and worked her way up to be the leader of the clown, then the ringleader and then the manager of the circus instant of our friend.
Jacob: Have you heard about the new meme named Nelinda in the toilet?
Derek: No I haven't, tell me about it.