The people who walk on the sidewalk, including attractive chicks (beautiful women).
Guy: Dude!!! Look at those pedestrians!
Another Guy: Who?
That Guy: The chicks! I mean those girls!
It's a cute kawaii version of crying in sadness or fear.
Cute Person: BOOHOOHOO!!!
Another Cute Person: (°_°) What happened?
Cute Person: I missed the flight!
Another Cute Person: Don't Worry! :)
A woman who looks like my mom
Is that Soha? She looks like your mom!
A racing game made by Angel Studios, DICE and Microsoft and the most beautiful and awesome game I've played in my life.
Me: Dude! I really love Midtown Madness!
My friend: What's that?
Me: You don't know that? It's a racing game made by Microsoft!
My friend: Oh I see...
Something that's dead, especially a video game, a music genre or a meme.
Dude #1: Bro Ohio's CRAZY!!
Dude #2: Bro that meme's Bing Bong!!!
Basically something that's dead like a meme, video game or a music genre. Originated from Bing Bong in Inside Out, a fictional character made by Riley who is forgotten by her.
Dude #1: Bro Ohio's CRAZY!!!
Dude #2: Bro that meme's Bing Bong!!!