A construction area in Midcoast Maine in which residents inhabit. Located between the towns of Warren and Rockland, it is easily identifiable on U.S. Rt. 1 as there are miles of cars all waiting to get a glance of this one of a kind construction-land that is all the rage. Thomaston offers small eateries and salons for those who want to enjoy the day in constructionville as well as some local AirBnB's to stay in overnight if you want to get a full day's worth of beeping and diesel engines and the clanking of metal. Most people do not have jobs or places to go in Thomaston which is why they're always in their car in Main street enjoying the grand views of dirt, tar, and the group's of construction employees supervising one construction employee working. Thomaston is open year round but construction tourism begins in middle spring and lasts into the fall. Be sure to reserve your trip to see what's going on!
Bob: Hey what're you doing tomorrow, Sarah?
Sarah: I have nothing planned!
Bob: Would you like to go to Thomaston? The newest pavement exhibit will be on display and the lines are supposed to be long so we should get there early for a good view!
Sarah: That sounds wonderful! Let me tell my boss I'm calling out sick tomorrow!