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Jinxism is a cult formed on Wattpad that worships the god named Jinx. Jinx is the god of Chaos.
Names for Jinx: Jinx-sama; Lord Jinx; Our lord and dictator, Lord Jinx; (insert respectful names)
Origins: Wrong number (HxH) by lIhavenolife
Jinx-sama is Illumi's cat.
Jinx-san is a black cat with eyes like the galaxy, he can transform to any feline(and human, but he sticks to being a feline).
Note: Jinx san can turn to any gender he desires.
(Most cult members have a Hisoka(killua with hisoka colors) pfp! If you see them say hi!)

Jinxism: jinxism is the act of worshipping Jinx-sama and being part of the pfp cult

by Midori_Chaos_Senshi October 29, 2023