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A subrace of Boomer that either
• Admires the works of Ancient Greek author Homer
• Is a fan of the Simpsons, especially the newer seasons.

“Man, The Simpsons Movie is one of the greatest masterpieces in Cinema history!” “Okay Hoomer.”

“Dude, remember in the Illiad when Nyx banged her brother Erebus?”
“Okay Hoomer.”

by Miinato December 20, 2019

2👍 33👎


A Variation of Waifuism in which, as opposed to standard conventions, the Waifu possesses multiple sexual/romantic partners, as opposed to the degenerate.

“Dude, did you see the new episode of Dragon Ball Super?”
“Totally, man! Cheelai is my whorefu!”

by Miinato October 29, 2019