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mane dough

A reply to people in disagreement. Alternative form of saying no.

Can Christmas come any slower?
Mane dough.
You think that girl is sexy?
Mane dough.

by Mike Breezy December 8, 2009

134👍 22👎


A reply to someone who is constantly bitching or nagging.

Omg i hate going to class on mondays.
"Weeh, Weeh, Weeh"
All I'm hearing from you is "weeh"

by Mike Breezy December 8, 2009

131👍 22👎

mane dew

A reply to people in agreement. Alternative form of saying yes.

Let's hit up the club tonight.
Mane dew.
Wanna go drink some brewsky's?
Mane dew.

by Mike Breezy December 8, 2009

196👍 69👎