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Dink Girl

A dink girl is a girl who's somewhat unusual yet lovable or a term of endearment for a girl when she's making dramatic facial expressions or a particular female you wouldn't call a bitch but just tries to thwart you enough that you could only laugh at,pick on or only become slightly annoyed with you leading you to say...."Your a DINK!!"....If she eats your last slice of leftover pizza or something.

Lisa:(Mouth half open as she brazenly eyes Mike after stating the CORRECT store hours.

Mike:....."Ahhhhhh haaaaaaa!.....YOUR ...a DINK GIRL!!"

by MikeyCMikeyDO! July 4, 2016

8👍 2👎


One of the few, the proud, Generation X'ers born between the years 1960-1980, or, 1965-1985(if born"on the cusp"('X'ennial', denying anything to do with the Millenial "value system".

Unlike the "Boomer's" who came before them, X'ers are "the last golden generation", who experienced the 3 greatest decades:The 70's, 80's, and 90's.

Us X'ers, learned the hard way, with a latchkey hooked to our trousers so we could get in the house after school, and tune into MTV, or Much Music, that still aired music videos, thereafter. If we had issues with others, we fought them in real life.We drank hose water, to stay hydrated, and lived outdoors, until the street lights came, on.

We grew up listening to the best music, watching the best movies, and TV shows, and went to the wildest parties, and now, after years of struggle, and neglect, we're the new, Badass Generation to be reckoned with, by every other!

Millenial Snowflake : "Look at that Sketchy Guy! He's wearing a 'Gun's 'N'Roses t-shirt, playing his music too loud.... He should be cancelled, for being a Racist, Serial-Killer-Pedophile !"

X'enial : "Shhhhhh!.... Shut up Dude! He's an X'er!.... He'll kick both our asses, and we'll be charged with defamation!"

by MikeyCMikeyDO! January 19, 2025