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Ayla is a gorgeous little neerduwell with think brown hair, and a big, boggling smile. Her infectious laugh brings out the best in her, and everyone around her, and she makes every room brighter. She may collect shoes, and not play many sports other than gymnastics. She likes to swim but wants to open herself to something more. She loves her friends just as much as they love her. She doesn't care what boys think about her, though her friends opinions matter and make a huge impact on her. She thinks below herself, and doesn't see how truly beautiful she is. She loves to opinionate herself, and doesn't think before she says.She likes the underrated boys and has a thing for a boy in glasses. If a boy were ever to treat her wrong, watch out, we're coming for you, all of us.

Did you take your daily dose of Ayla today?

by MilkMyGoatiNeedCheese13 June 1, 2022