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Background Information: My neighbor and companion Dave decided to attend Menlo College for a while. Dave expressed his negative feelings about this school, and the name of it, Menlo, with a similar structure to the word Milo became a frequent addition to the vocabulary.

"An expression referring to the College; used to convey disgust, dissatisfaction, or a present, conciliatory state of being. (Long 2)"

Grammatical Usage: Menlo is similar to milo, it does not have any certain meaning and can be used in nearly all situations.

Verb: Let's Menlo to the QFC.
Basic Noun: That looks kind of menlo.
Proper Noun: My college of choice is menlo.
Adjective: That skateboard was menlorific.
To Fill Awkward Silence:
Mother: "Where have you been this afternoon when you were supposed to be working on your essay?
Son: "....Menlo."
To Replace another word: "Please pass the bread and Menlo."
This list could be endless... Menlo could be used in any circumstance especially in place of the word milo.

by Miloria July 7, 2004

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