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This is the type of kid that doesn’t know how to spell, and is certain pineapple is spelled pineaple. Probably not sexy but tries to be with their short blonde hair. Oh boy must I say he is the largest hypocrite. He’d say shit like “I hate drama.” But then starts it and gets his ass beat looking like a brain dead penguin on the ground sulking why “WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME GOD?” Oh yeah he’s probably atheist like the dip shit he is. He gets jealous easily because some girl is dating a guy called Jacob or some retarded douche name. He tries so hard not for one girl but hoes for a lot more than one. And loves blaming his problems on his partner that’s guaranteed to stay in the relationship forever, but in reality forever just means 2 months.

pineaple Is a reference to another word someone used in urban dictionary. I thought the definition gave more intel on how it is describing him. Also forever is being used on how it’s described by other people. I feel like how I described Aiden can fit perfectly in so many cases.

by MinecraftIsStillBetter May 28, 2019