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Wulla Wulla Whoop Whoop

Wulla Wulla Whoop Whoops is a word used to describe any location far away.

Me: Where are you from?
You: Anchorage
Me: Where?
You: Nevermind, Wulla Wulla Whoop Whoop.
Me: Oh right...

by Minhcredible October 11, 2009

11👍 5👎


Chortles Out Loudly - Minh + Claire creation. *Natalie Tran - Community Channel Inspired*

Minh: Yo mamma is soo fat she paints her lipstick on with a paint roller.
Claire: Yo mamma is soo fat she ate the paint roller!
Minh: COL!
Claire: COL!

by Minhcredible December 19, 2009

103👍 71👎


A person who is from Wollongong. The southern cousin of the Novocastrian.

Bogan 1: M8, where ya from?
Bogan 2: The Gong
Bogan 1: You're a Wovocastrian ain't cha
Bogan 2: Yeah m8

by Minhcredible October 7, 2017