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A Hipster is someone who invests money in fedoras and tee shirts with allegedly nonconformist statements printed upon them. These statements are usually hidden by either a Hilariously Large Scarf or Tousled Hair. A Hipster might own a ukulele or three. They may make Pretentious topical references to mess that you've never even heard of, like the band Chairlift. (Yeah, go look up the band Chairlift). They might halfheartedly type screenplays on their Typewriter, and I'm talking a real Clickety-Clack Typewriter from an Antique Mall. They might even take blurry, out-of-focus, black-and-white shots of them running down a subway platform with Parliament Cigarettes stuffed in their tap shoes and post them on Instagram, just to let you know just how Deep Shit Gets for Them. If you have no Hipsters in your area, simply go look for them in Every Cell Phone Commercial Ever Made.

I shall not provide an example of "Hipster". It's really just Too Mainstream.

by MissGina October 23, 2013

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