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JERINA is the most popular 36894.th name in USA. One in every 702,203 Americans are named as JERINA and popularity of name JERINA is 1.42 people per million.

Jerina is a fun, outgoing person who has a great personality.

by MissNikkiBabii December 11, 2009

59👍 11👎


Evil Laugh

"Shout out to all u idiots that's paying mortgages on so called condos that look like apartments #EVL"-Lil' Duval

by MissNikkiBabii February 4, 2010

55👍 13👎


Noun. Two (2) or More Little Kids.

Wow! There are a lot of kittles running around in Chuckie Cheese.

by MissNikkiBabii December 11, 2009

16👍 27👎