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Term used by engineers and hobbyists to define a material that is extremely hard to obtain.

-Space rockets are mostly made of unobtainium.
-There are so many conflicts in Africa due to the presence of unobtainium in the ground.
-Your CNC machine will crash only when you machine this one piece of unobtainium. Of course, you do not have enough to make a new piece.

A piece of shitanium that got broken will magically turn into unobtainium if you look for a replacement (Thus making it extremely expensive, even if you found one)

by MisterLebowski August 24, 2013

3👍 4👎


Engineering term defining any kind of crapppy material / alloy that is not up to the job it's supposed to do.
This includes also the material used plastic parts often used in automotive for knobs and handles that will snap or shatter during normal use.

The french translation is Merdanium

-"Crap, the block of the new engine prototype cracked"
-"What grade of shitanium is it made of?"

by MisterLebowski August 24, 2013