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ROBERT is the #3 most common male name.
3.143% of men in the US are named ROBERT.
Around 3850175 US men are named ROBERT!

ROBERT is the #996 most common female name.
0.008% of females in the US are named ROBERT.
Around 10200 US females are named ROBERT!

ROBERT is the #2533 most common last name.
0.005% of last names in the US are ROBERT.
Around 12500 US last names are ROBERT!

(see previous definition....)

Then assume:

0.008*0.005 = 0.00004% women
3.143*0.005 = 0.015715% men


There are 100 women in the US called Robert Robert.
There are 39287 men in the US called Robert Robert.

Match.com say 2% of people get married after meeting on Match.com. So there are 2 women called Robert Robert who could potentially meet and marry 785 guys called Robert Robert, if they all were all internet dating. Which admit it. We all are.


Fed-Ex Guy... "is Mrs Robert there please?"

Bob-bob Jnr... "Mom... It's for you!"

Bertybob... "Yes, I am Robert Robert?"

Fed-Ex Guy..."How did you know my name? I am Robert Robert, Robert Robert"

Bob-bob Jnr..."shiiiiitt....I'll be darned. Hey Dad....Rob, come see this...It's another Bob-bob!"

by MitchElos February 6, 2010

158👍 279👎