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Nickname for TV "cook" Sandra Lee, given to her by her many detractors. Based upon the name of her show "Semi-Homemade Cooking with Sandra Lee".

Heather: I'm making chocolate truffles for dessert using canned store-bought frosting.
Taniqua: Bitch, you are such a Semi-Ho.

by Mixed Race Kid March 15, 2009

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Queen Without A Country

Queen Without A Country -- Usually and obnoxiously flamboyant gay man who is fashion-challenged, unattractive, clueless, narcissistic, and totally unaware that he's hated by most of the people he considers friends or acquaintances

Perez Hilton thinks he's HOTT, but GURL, he's so a Queen Without a Country. The same for losers like Johnny Weir and Emanuel Sandhu.

by Mixed Race Kid August 13, 2007

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Kwanzaa Cake

Another lame, borderline racist cultural interpretation of "ethnic cuisine" by the Food Network's lily-white blonde hack, Sandra Lee. There is absolutely nothing natural about this cake; everything is store-brought and loaded with additives and artificial ingredients and sugars. Not only is it bloody offensive to people of African descent, but chefs, foodies and doctors all should take umbrage as well. Observe and try to refrain from barfing:

1 (10 to 12-ounce) purchased angel food cake
1 container (16 ounce) vanilla frosting
2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 (21-ounce) container apple filling or topping
1 (1.7-ounce) package corn nuts
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds, toasted
1/2 cup popped popcorn

Special Equipment:
Kwanzaa candles
Using a serrated knife, cut cake horizontally into 2 layers. Place bottom cake layer, cut side up, on a serving platter. Mix frosting, cocoa powder, vanilla, and cinnamon in large bowl until combined. Spread about 1/4 of the frosting over top of cake layer on platter. Top with second cake layer, cut side down. Spread remaining frosting evenly over top and sides of cake to coat completely. Spoon apple pie filling into hole in center of cake. Place candles atop cake. Sprinkle top of cake with some corn nuts, pumpkin seeds, and popcorn. Sprinkle remaining corn nuts and pumpkin seeds around base of cake.

Sandra: Tarqueesha, can I tell you, Happy Kwanzaa, by brown sister! YOU are going to LLLLLLLOVE this awesome Kwanzaa Cake that I have prepared to prove that I like people darker than me!

Tarqueesha: Bitch, what the HELL are you trying do with that fucked up cake - kill me? First of all, it's loaded with additives and high fructose corn syrup, bitch! And second of all, I DON'T FUCKING CELEBRATE KWANZAA. BE OUT!!!! Come to my fucking house again, Blondie, and I WILL GET GHETTO ON YOUR ASS AND CUT YOU.

At this point, Sandra, terrified of the angry black woman who obviously doesn't know her place, pees on herself, drops the offending cake, and runs to her car....

by Mixed Race Kid April 14, 2008

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Designing a dining table (for a dinner party) with useless, cheap and tacky knicknacks, usually with some kind of lame-assed theme. And usually they are nowhere as inexpensive as she likes to claim. Allegedly created by Food Network hack Sandra "Semi-Homemade" Lee.

Sandra: Tarqueesha, since you are my black friend, and I am making dinner in your honor in celebration of Black History Month, I've made for you the MOST AWESOME tablescape that you are going to llllllove! I've placed "Colored" and "White" stickers to each chair in tribute of the dark days of Jim Crow and I got all black flatware from the dollar store. My chandelier has hanging ropes I got from a friend whose parents were in the KKK, to honor those who were lynched for the cause, my sister. AND I've put my flowers into empty malt liquor bottles. Just for you, sweetie.

Tarqueesha: Bitch, your white ass is whacked. Don't make me punch you. Fuck you and your lame semi-homemade ass. (Tarqueesha then punches Sandra in the face and knocks her semi-homemade ass OUT. Word.)

by Mixed Race Kid April 13, 2008

28👍 21👎


Designing a dining table (for a dinner party) with useless, cheap and tacky knicknacks, usually with some kind of lame-assed theme. And usually they are nowhere as inexpensive as she likes to claim. Allegedly created by Food Network hack Sandra "Semi-Homemade" Lee.

Sandra: Tarqueesha, since you are my black friend, and I am making dinner in your honor in celebration of Black History Month, I've made for you the MOST AWESOME tablescape that you are going to llllllove! I've placed "Colored" and "White" stickers to each chair in tribute of the dark days of Jim Crow and I got all black flatware from the dollar store. My chandelier has hanging ropes I got from a friend whose parents were in the KKK, to honor those who were lynched for the cause, my sister. AND I've put my flowers into empty malt liquor bottles. Just for you, sweetie.

Tarqueesha: Bitch, your white ass is whacked. Don't make me punch you. Fuck you and your lame semi-homemade ass. (Tarqueesha then punches Sandra in the face and knocks her semi-homemade ass OUT. Word.)

by Mixed Race Kid April 19, 2008

6👍 12👎


Sandra Lee claims that she created this concept that, despite being sound in theory, is ruined and food-RAPED by Aunt Sandy's hideous execution. Using 70% store-bought products (pre-packaged food hight in preservatives sodium and high fructose corn syrup) and 30% fresh (mainly a few veggies, fruits and herbs, thrown together haphazardly). The end result is usually laughably overtly salty, sugary and inedible. Por ejemplo, see Kwanzaa Cake.

Sandra Lee: Hi, I'm Sandra Lee and welcome to Semi-Homemade. I've been cooking and entertaining for YEARS. Today we are going to make a hamburger using burgers purchased from a fast-food joint and doctored up with lettuce, tomatoes and pre-shredded cheese. Keep it sweet, keep it simple, and keep it semi-homemade.

Tarqueesha, watching from home on her flatscreen: Bitch is FAKE, WORD. Tomato soup in lasagna? My Eyetalian dawta-in-law would totally cut this bitch.

Malik (Tarqueesha's second husband): Word, yo? Tangie would hurt this fake white bitch wif her non-cookin' self.

by Mixed Race Kid April 19, 2008

20👍 6👎

bring the pretty

To be an exceptionally beautiful person, male or female, who causes positive genital sensations when they enter a room. Their mere attractiveness is usually enough to light up a room and start conversations.

Beyonce: Malik, should I bring any refreshaments to your party this Saturday?
Malik: No, Bebe, just bring the pretty.
Beyonce: LOL, okay.

Angelina: Brad, you don't need to marry me, 'cause motherfucker, you bring the pretty!
Brad: Why thank you, Angelina!!!

by Mixed Race Kid March 24, 2009

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