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Riggty rat

A phrase made by some kids in a art class

These humanoid creatures have super speed and in some cases super strength they are led by a being named Abdullah the rat abdulsaman

He is the fastest rat of them all he has conquered any enemy that comes in his way.

They can also mutate in some cases there empire grows on the daily they also have an unlimited supply of a dinosaur that they supposedly eat on the daily. They are called by some people the rat version of wakanda. But every single rat dies at one point the person that will take over the throne once the king passes will be non other then his trusty side kick Mohammed salam. The current speed of the king is unknown it’s grows every day we know the it’s over mock 100,000,000 billion there greatest enemy’s are humans they are because every day they try and capture them because they taste soo good the most popular way to eat them is by grilling them then putting it on a stick


by Moetheking_21 June 1, 2019