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Gooning while on stream, such as on Twitch or Youtube Live

“Did you see CaseOh’s stream last night? He was stream-maxxing so hard he destroyed his CPU.”

by Mog Queen May 31, 2024


Edging while taking a shit, using a squatty potty

“After my girlfriend left last night, I was spunching like crazy! The Mexican food really messed with my stomach, but it made for some great spunching.”

by Mog Queen June 1, 2024


Putting a stopper of some kind into the urethra to maximize edging capabilities; ideal edging method for novice gooners

“Dude, how do you edge for so long? I can only last twenty minutes.”

“Have you tried bloading? I put a little cork into my tip and it stops anything from coming out. I can last a whole day this way!”

by Mog Queen June 1, 2024


Making alcohol with your own ejaculate, or a combination of yours and someone else’s

“My spermentation is almost done, just a few more days until it’s at the perfect alcohol content.”

by Mog Queen June 1, 2024