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A racial group of people whose ancestors are from Europe, West Asia, and North Africa. Skin color varies, but facial features include:

Long and thin nose
Prominent chin
Flat facial profile (orthognathism)
Bulbous forehead
Weak, retracted cheekbones
Deep set eyes (as opposed to the wide set eyes of black people)
Generous amounts of body hair (and face)
Thin and sometimes curly hair, varying in color from platinum blonde to dark black
Small, thin lips

Many ethnic groups belong to Caucasians, including but not limited to:

Whites (Europeans)
Caucasics (restricted to the Caucasus area around Georgia and Armenia)
Some Indians

Spaniards, Germans, Irish, Palestinians, Algerians, Moroccans, Norwegians, Swedes, Iraqis, Iranians, Englishmen, etc. are all Caucasian people. Not all are white, however.

Caucasian women are very attractive.

by Moggggggz September 1, 2006

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