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An exclamation formed by combining "ack" and "pth;" used to express surprise, alarm, disgust, or disgusted alarmed surprise; a scream conjoined with a sputter

1. Ackpth! I'm a dumbass. I forgot my homework.
2. Ackpth! My Xbox 360 stopped working!
3. Ackpth! My phone's gone missing.

by Moggraider July 19, 2009

25πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A student taking a class on a pass/fail, or satisfactory/unsatisfactory, grading basis. Such a student can get away with putting very little effort into a class.

Yeah, we're all p/fuckers. We're a pocket of incompetence in the back of the classroom.

by Moggraider February 10, 2010

27πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

dead phone routine

A person's excuse that they flaked out on an agreed-upon meeting or date with you because their phone was not working, not paid, or not charged. These excuses are often belied by the fact that a call to the user results in a normal dial tone, rather than going straight to voicemail.

The dead phone routine usually goes something like this:

1. "Sorry, I got stuck downtown and my phone died."
2. "Hey I just got my phone back up I had to pay it first."

by Moggraider April 29, 2014


A gaming-related euphemism for a man's genitals.

The three parts of the Triforce are analogous to the three parts of a man's genitals.

by Moggraider March 20, 2009

64πŸ‘ 185πŸ‘Ž


An opportunity for product placement in a mass media production.

Corporate sponsors of TV shows force their products into the show all the time, exploiting every possible advertunity.

by Moggraider August 2, 2009

25πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

pity yes

A "pity yes" is the expression of half-hearted consent a woman gives to a man's request for a date. It's a "yes" to a request for a date, but not one with enthusiasm. A man can evoke a pity yes with the look on his face, or by asking a woman out in a novel way.

Ack! You can't ask someone out over IM! You always have to ask out someone at least via phone. You're much more likely to get a pity yes. Then, if you make a good impression, you turn that into a real yes!

If you're nervous, ask over the phone. You can call for the explicit purpose of asking out. In person, it's hard to find time to mention it. It's awkward to manufacture an encounter just to do it. And it has to be at the end; you can't get shot down and continue that conversation.

by Moggraider July 1, 2009

22πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

of size

The euphemism for a large or obese person. Soon to be adopted by airlines who have to be careful not to overfill their flights.

"Oh man. Last week, I had to sit in a middle seat between two people of size. It was not pretty."

by Moggraider February 19, 2010