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A half liquid chunky sounding fart which smells horrenduos.

"I ate to much chilli and I began to sputter"

by KrAyTEnutz April 17, 2010

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Explosive sounds typically when heated

The Engine sputtered then stopped

by Fizzy ice-cream October 22, 2017


A combination of walking and jogging. It's pretty much a slow jog.

Man 1: Hey Jim, why are you walking?
Man 2: I'm not walking, I'm sputtering.

by The Great Magician March 15, 2011

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Sputter Gutter

another term for the anal cavity of a lady

i shoved my rod deep inside her sputter gutter

by robajob October 29, 2010

Pirate Sputter

A way to describe someone who is talking absolute nonsense, pure crap, and nothing but stupidness.

'Jeez, this guy's got nothin' but Pirate Sputter in his mouth.'

by Goat_011 April 17, 2020

sputtering willis

The release of feces while attempting to flatulate similar to the shart. Most often accompanied by a exclamation of your own surpise, i.e. DAMN, I JUST SHIT MY PANTS!, and unconciousness.

Damn Son, I just totally did a sputtering willis ::fall into coma::

by David Goreman July 11, 2004

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sputter butter

A fart with some anal contents (juicy, chunks...) that gets sprayed on your underware.

Dude 1: So there I was in line at the grocery store when I had to fart.
Dude 2: Ya?
Dude 1: Well, my fart was more than a fart...I got some sputter butter...my underware was so messed-up.

by RNPS December 15, 2007

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