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Nathan is a really really really ridiculously good looking man. Think like piercing aquamarine eyes and a chiseled jaw complete with chin dimple. Nathans are not great at understanding that the “i before e except after c” rule has exceptions but they’re really great at correcting mistakes in comma and punctuation usage.
Nathan will turn you on til you’re about to explode - it’s a combination of physical prowess and mind stimulation. But then he will tell you they’re not allowed to touch you for another three months, but it’s okay, because it turns out Nathan’s intellect and ability to make you laugh is every bit as good as the anticipated physical contact will be. It won’t be long until you’re smiling at your phone every time his name pops up and spending time daydreaming about his perfect lips.

Ermahgerd, Nathan makes me so moist.

Who made that napkin all crunchy? Oh, it was Nathan.

Nathan is the national spokesman for Spotify!

by Moistnapkin21 November 11, 2018

48👍 16👎