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santa claus

Evil robot who terrorizes the citizens of New New York every X-mas Eve, because he judges everyone to be naughty. He throws grenades that look like X-mas tree ornaments and shot a TOW missile at Fry and Leela when he caught them under mistletoe. One time, he got frozen in the ice of Neptune due to the exhaust from the Planet Express ship melting the ice and it refroze. Bender then had to take his place that X-mas eve.

Amy: "You can't stay out on X-Mas eve, you'll be killed!"
Fry: "Say what?"
Farnsworth: "Good lord! he doesn't know about Santa Claus."

by MontgomeryGator February 2, 2007

44👍 41👎


How the word "ask" is pronounced in the year 3000.

Fry: "You know, this'll be my first X-Mas away from home."
Leela-: "Hey hey, let me ax you something. Would it cheer you up if we went and cut down an X-Mas tree?"

by MontgomeryGator February 2, 2007

113👍 60👎