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The rancid combination of cigarette ashes, food debris, spilled coffee and high flying man jizz that accumulates between the keys of your favorite keyboard. This combination of atrocities can and will lead to uncommanded keystrokes on your favorite browser, unintentional Facebook posts, and worst yet....complete keyboard failure as you are about to bust a nut on xHamster. RandyGoatRadio listeners seem to be unproportionately affected by this condition. Keyboard schmutz is best addressed by either getting another cheap ten dollar keyboard or running it through the dishwasher.

randygoat radio listener: I was surfing xHamster.com and all of a sudden my screen filled up wit T's and keep switching back and forth between tabs

MrPres: Oh .....you got the keyboard schmutz!

Tuna: My finger in my rectum!

Moo: That is why I have three keyboards

Dicky: **P2C**

by MooMooCow357 April 16, 2013

42👍 68👎