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The Cry Baby Incident of Labor Day Weekend

"The Cry Baby Incident of Labor Day Weekend" refers to the weekend before Labor Day 2024.

On a Minecraft server called PenguinCraft Season 8, there was a hacking scandal led by a player named "Krylc" who created a bunch of powerful illegal items and gave them to his team to enact revenge. They're main incentive for doing this was because an admin got caught giving Krylc cheats.

The issue escalated further when someone gave a player a book, the book of which activated the Minecraft command giving everyone server operator. However, while gathering information on the situation, Krylc doxed "Et3rnal's" real life house, turning his one day ban into an instant perma-ban.

In the PenguinCraft Season 8 YouTube series done by "RowletStack" there is a hint at the existence of this behind the scenes nightmare. In Episode 5 "The Deadly Game Part 1," The red text at the end of the episode reads "REST IN PEACE, POWER IS SOMETHING THEY WANTED BUT THEY WANTED IT TOO MUCH, 9/2/24." Hinting at the fact that something may have happened that day, but it not being directly shown. Before it was finally shown in Episode 10.

In the PenguinCraft community, the "The Cry Baby Incident of Labor Day Weekend" is somewhat of a meme. As Krylc has been, a relatively untrustworthy and suspicious person since the beginning. So much so that anyone who helped kick them out of the community in one way or another, such as "Ibbygak," would end up getting a "Cry baby Destroyer Badge" as a token of appreciation.

"Dude, you wanna know what intercontinental ballistic missiles remind me of? The Cry Baby Incident of Labor Day Weekend."

by Mor(e)peko February 26, 2025