A Dumb Fuck basically. Just switch the letters and there you have it.
This Fumbduck says I'm stupid!
When your Wheel of Fortune options may confuse others. Many different answers here. Hmmm.
My dick is igger than yours! Clearly.
A group of morons that don't know that one genius will always be smarter than you are.
How did you get me? I'm just one guy..........that's nice you brought moronofus.
Hoes on 79th Street in South L.A. near a Hoetel looking for Daddy problems or just money.
Manchester and Figerhoa is the breast place to find a hooker.
A hot police officer or soldier ready for duty..........if you know what I'm saying. Anything to serve my Cuntry.
Vicky definately knows what she's doing. Trust me!