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Misinformation Romanians tell when describing the country in Urban dictionary:

-Hungarians migrating to Romania;Transylvania was under control of the Kingdom of Hungary for more than 1000 years (Longer total time than Dacia/Romania had it), and Hungary was the wealthier kingdom. Romanians were the ones migrating to Hungary, but after the French gave it back to Romania, Hungarians were stuck there.
-Romania kicking Hungary's ass: Hungary was the larger Kingdom for the longer time and despite misinformation, Romania never actually beat Hungary alone in a war. Hungary had the ability to conquer Wallachia many times, with the only thing ultimately preventing it being Wallachia eventually becoming a tributary subject under the Turks.
-Being better than Hungarians; People who argue are just as bad, both side has reasons to be right, neither Hungarians or Romanians are just as human.
-Transylvania belonging to Romania

Misinformation non Romanians tell when describing the country in Urban dictionary:

-It's the land of gypsies (Gypsies come from India and aren't Romanian), Romania does have the most gypsies in Europe (If we rightfully count Turkey as Asia) but it's not really their fault.
-Romania being an underdeveloped hunk of trash: It is more eastern and one of the less advanced than her western neighbors, but it's not a bad place and has qualities outside of Transylvania too, including a beautiful culture.
-Transylvania belonging to Hungary

Vlad: Look at these Turks I just impaled. Long live Romania!
Corvinus: Yeah nice but you're going to jail...
*500 years later*
Romania: *Gets Transylvania*

*Inser sounds of triggered children on the Hungaro-Romanian border calling each other gypsies*

by MostlyUnbiased April 5, 2020

6👍 17👎


An example of why anarchy is a worst case scenario under every circumstance.
It's like if there was two of Socrates, they went into an argument and both lowered their standards on purpose in an attempt to get their their partner to do so aswell, except neither of them did it on purpose, rather because they are both genuinely mental, and then ~8-24 million other retarded hairy, fatty and sweaty men from 400 B.C. joined in on the argument, resulting in an infinite loop of standards being lowered and sanity being lost, except it's not even an argument anymore, rather an unregulated imageboard with a community composed of neckbeards sharing images of humanoid wolves sucking themselves off in full comfort of anonymity.

Person 1: So, what do you think about the website called 4chan I suggested you check out?
Person 2: Get out of my vicinity and don't talk nor touch me for the next 4 days in which I try to regain my mental health and decide if you're worth interacting with.

*Person 1 wakes up*
Person 1: Oh, so it was a dream. I thought I was having an actual social interaction with another human being other than the dominos's delivery guy for the first time in 8 years.

by MostlyUnbiased July 13, 2020

3👍 1👎