Hey Roy! The toilet is full in the port a pot, think you can wave down the turd burglars when they drive by to empty it for us?
The extreme level of unhappiness that is achieved when told to shut up (shup).
That gal sitting in front of us at the show would not stop screaming and making a ruckus, I asked her to calm down and she got all chicken headed and started on me. I said shup and she lost it! Judging by the redness of her face I'd say she was pretty shupset.
When a social media site deems content you recently posted as inappropriate and shuts the post down.
I cannot believe the administrator felt this post could be construed as offensive and shut me down. I was just faceshup'd!
Combining words brain and anus.
aka...having your head up your butt.
Honestly, I really do not know how I came up with that figure, must have been using my brainus that day.
Bro! Dinner got me, I'm not going to make it to the party. I think I'm suffering from post taco stomach disorder(ptsd).
The person in the group that is always surrounded by drama.
Will the drammander be there? If so , I'm gonna stay back, I'm feeling kyna lo on energy for that today.