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Bilbo Biggins

A Bilbo Biggins is a Big Boned Co-Worker that you secretly make fun of. Usually a Bilbo Biggins has a Big Bobble Head and farts in other people's work areas. A Bilbo Biggins is always out of breath due to the tripple chin blocking the airway.

Also known as a B.B.J.

1. Jesus, look at Bilbo Biggins. I never thought someone could break a sweat sitting still.

2. Bilbo asks: - "You gunna eat that shrimp?"

by Mr. Grinch September 27, 2006

5πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


to know something but keep it down low so itҀ™s not a big deal.

I lowkey just fell...never speak of this

by Mr. Grinch November 28, 2018

171πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž