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AOL Instant Messenger.
In my opinion, a crappy IM, which is beat EASILY by MSN IM, and no I'm not a Microsoft whore.
It's not as bad as YIM, but neither are no where near as good as MSN.
AIM is only popular with teenagers in the U.S.
MSN is popular with teenagers worldwide.

AIM sucks. YIM sucks.
Download MSN instead. MSN may have it's faults, but it's still damn good.

by Mr.DeepthroatDatX March 8, 2008

5👍 7👎


'M'icro'S'oft 'N'etwork.

But it's commonly referred to as the Instant Messenging client.
MSN is the best IM, IMO. Alot better than AIM and YIM, and I've had both, and they suck, reinstalled them a few months ago.

MSN looks alot better, better and easier to use, isn't as dull, etc.

MSN is the most popular IM client.
Why does all the American kids use AIM?

by Mr.DeepthroatDatX March 8, 2008

10👍 19👎