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"Bigger" or "Biggers" is a racial slur used by the midget community against the normal, fully grown size humans.

The Normal sized community seems like the minority and is highly abused and hated by the midgets.

Normal sized human: *Is walking his dog*
Midget:"Get your Bigger ass out of this neighboorhood."

Normal sized human: "But I live here."

Midget: "Who the hell cares, pack your things and buy a ticket to Bigeria you filthy Bigger."

by Mr.Unlucky February 7, 2022


Was the ruler of The Kingdom of Hungary and was an Admiral with no connections to water, had claims on its allies yet decleared war on Amrica and the Soviets. And was a living person not an item...


"Holly shit its Miklos Horthy"

by Mr.Unlucky February 7, 2022