1. A child or preteen that needs their parents permission and credit card to enter into an established MMORPG, thusly ruining the community and destroying adult gamer's good time.
2. A nOOb that refuses to follow netiquitte and shut off THE DAMN CAP LOCKS!-in any MMO game.
3. Any child in an Online game with a name like PhuXurMom,Poopalotti,KingDong,Poontrasher,xTehShItx,
"This game was cool in Beta but then the developers let in all the Kinder-Gamers and now it's just a damned daycare."
1.An MMORPG player that compares every aspect of new MMO's to World of Warcraft.
2.Any moron that inappropriately uses MMO or WoW terminology in casual conversation with normal people.
3.The naked toon dancing on the bank/auction counter in World of Warcraft.
"We would invite Sam to Play Diablo 3,but he's a complete WoW-Douche."
3👍 1👎