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Pro-life rhetoric used to generaly refer to any form of zygote, embryo or fetus. The prefix "pre" suggests that the pregnancy will be carried to term.
Used to replace un-born which carried an idea of the possiblilty of the child never being born.
Another result of the Right Wing cognative think tanks for selective language.

Abortion kills pre-born children.

by MrBobaFett February 3, 2005

27👍 30👎


One who is polically speaking, party neutral. One who examines both sides of an issue before making a stance, and also will re-examine their stance upon presentation of new evidence.
A liberals views are not limited by bigotry, tradition, dogma, tradtion, etc. They are based on the results of their own observations and investigations into a subject from as many sides as possible.
While the liberal prefers to use logic over emotion, it does not mean he is without a heart. A liberal is just a capable of compassion as another man. He only tries to avoid the irrationality that can result from stong emotions.

Are you a Republican or a Democrat? Neither I'm a liberal.

by MrBobaFett October 29, 2004

703👍 532👎