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Claiming the understanding of the word or concept is much more complicated that most people would understand it to be in order to claim a deeper understanding than most or some other sort of social capital.

He spent ten minutes in deep wordtardation trying to pretend understanding the concept of a chair was deep and profound and needing his special insight.

by MrGeee July 9, 2023


A sustained period of gloating and self satisfaction.

When we realised we'd won our court case we laughed for ten minutes non stop at how much it would cost the opposition. It was a total gloatathon.

by MrGeee July 8, 2023


Womensplaining (verb, gerund) describes the phenomenon of someone (usually a woman, but not always) behaving as though she has superior knowledge to someone else (often a man) who actually knows more about the topic in question than she does.

Male: "Men and Boys are often victims of domestic violence and sexism, just like anyone else"

Female "No they can't. Saying that men or boys can be victims is sexist and will only empowers sexism against women. You don't understand the basic power dynamics of domestic abuse or you would know that already."

Male "Stop womansplaining to me!"

by MrGeee April 17, 2018

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