An amazingly beautiful girl inside and out.
She is never short of attracting the opposite sex, however is very selective with her choice of men she likes to date.
A wonderful, charming, beautiful, gorgeous curvacious female who is sexy and hot as hell.
She is very confident within herself and you always know where you stand with her. She is an understanding and caring person who loves to have a good time.
Has a great personality and will talk to anybody. She is always willing to give a helping hand. She is definitely one of the greatest people alive.
If you have an Alisha in your life then you have been blessed by the gods. She is the daughter of Aphrodite, her heart will make you high on life.
Guy 1: "whoa check it out"
Guy 2: "woah its like shes straight out of a movie"
Guy3: "...and in slow motion" *drools*
Guy 4: "theres no doubt her name has to be Alisha!!!"
Guy 1,2,3: "hell yea"
Girl 1: "my friend alisha shes like woah, she attracts all the boys at the bar/club, but is fussy with who can date her, like she even rejected that celebrity from the ugly truth, i so wouldnt no girl would but like yea"
Girl2: "woah she must be a goddess, only a heart of gold can sweep her away"
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