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Fame or achievement tarnished by either facts (steriods in Barry Bond's case) or sour grapes.

Barry Bond's record is asterisked thanks to his romance with Balco performance-enhancing products.

Don Shula wants the Pat's 19-0 season asterisked becuz they filmed the NY Jets defensive signals at the start of the 2007 season. Like no team has ever done something like that before, lol.

by MrSteve November 8, 2007

1👍 1👎

curb feelers

A car with normal/narrow tires stretched onto a hella wide rim so that the wheel rim is way out there in harm's way.

"That Golf has like 12 inch wide rims with stretched 185/60HR14 tires. What a bitchin' set of curb feelers!"

by MrSteve November 8, 2007

3👍 11👎