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“M.a.s.” or “Mildly Amused Smirk” is a very underused replacement for the much overused “Lol” or “Laugh Out Loud” expression most commonly used online in response to something funny or entertaining. The idea behind it being that most people don't actually laugh out loud or anything close to that when typing “Lol”, therefore the expression “Mas”, “MAS” or “M.a.s” may be used.

Example 1

User 1: Hey dude check out this video.

User 2: Nice, that gave me a good MAS.

Example 2

User 1: Did you see the latest episode of (Insert TV-show)?

User 2: M.a.s. yea it sucked ass.

by Mr_Spybot February 28, 2021


The swedish word for lick

Oh bro that's a nice ice cream can i (slicka) it?

by Mr_Spybot December 1, 2017