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True Blood

HBO TV soap opera. Mix vampires, hot small town in Louisiana, other mythical creatures and sex. The plot doesn't matter, just make them kill or have sexy choreographed sex.

Audience: underloved housewives and fat twenty-something virgins, who fantasize all day about the hunkies vamps/creatures and form a virtual sisterhood that overuse Facebook and Tumblr.

Always wins awards based on "online votes", because the Sisterhood of the Vamp's Cock is hardcore at voting on and on.

Anna Paquin's big career mistake.

TrueBlood's audience:

-"OMG! I love that scene... I wish that was me. (sighs)"
-"True Blood is on tonight, I need new batteries"

by Mrs.Poe December 4, 2010

310👍 221👎