It is a greek ambulance service witch if you get hurt the state pays for your injurys and call it "life threatening" also take that America with your SHITTY HEALTHCARE
John: i broke my head and EKAB rushed too my location faster than the speed of light
Phill swift always breaks stuff and repairs it with the power of "FLEX TAPE!" (wow :0)
Phil swift always breaks stuff the things are no match for flex tape or he will just slap flex tape on your mouth you have no right to say bad abt flex tape
Pretty woman kitchen has 690000 subcrubers and more popular than mrbreast she will catch you on the flippity flop!
Pretty woman kitchen is hot
Rpm (revolutions perm minute) And its used for you too shift gears the rigth time or see how the engine is operating or too not blow it up lol
Man 1: hey man i just revved my engine too the max and the rpm went beyong 9k rpm! But it blew up.
Man 2:damn that must shluck having too rebuilt it
A car that every "car guy" aka stupid 5 year olds will brag about how tesla sucks and them mk4 supra is better and stuff
Very gud def not 5 year old car guy: tEsLa CaRs SuCk 1!1
Person with logic: shut the fuck up little timmy.
When a car driver cant see a spot or its impossible too see then its called angle morts amd theres a sticker for reckless drivers like your alcoholic grandfather
Quandile dingle: Damn i saw in a truck an angle morts sticker telling me that the driver cant see me
Quandile pringle: nice maybe it was for dumb fucks?
Quandile dingle: of course it is for dumb fucks