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no u

The ultimate reply to someone when they try to insult you.

Man 1: Fuck you
Man 2: no u
Man 2: no u
Man 1: You're a insignificant piece of garbage with nothing to live for, no one in the world will ever care for you. Your existence is a lie. You think that you are intelligent but in reality you are someone who is hurt, mistaken and FUCKING USELESS. You attempt to hide the truth that you're scared, but we all know you are scared. You want to reply something else instead, you decide to just say the same phrase over and over again, you have no skill or a life. You just spend your life on the internet and act all high and mighty on there; but as soon as you go into the real world, you'll just be like everyone else. Useless.
Man 2: n o u

by MuhBoment February 5, 2021

59👍 5👎

How is Joe's mama?

The question you respond to someone when they ask you JOE MAMA!

Friend: You know Joe?
You: Who's Joe?
Friend: Joe Mama!
You: How is Joe's Mama?

by MuhBoment January 7, 2021