A term mostly used by leftists/Democrats to describe basically any Republican they REALLY don't like.
ThIs MaGa rEpUbLiCaN iS lItErAlLy HiTlEr CuZ hE/sHe DoEsN'T wAnNa BaN mUh AsSaUlT wEaPoNs!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!
A term used by Democrats to basically describe any Republican they REALLY don't like.
OmG mUh MaGa RePuBlIcAnS aRe LiTeRaLlY hItLeR cUz ThEy DoN't WaNnA bAn MuH aSsAuLt WeApOnS!!!!!1111!!
A term mostly used by leftists/Democrats to describe basically any Republican they REALLY don't like.
ThIs MaGa RePuBlIcAn Is LiTeRaLlY hItLeR cUz He/sHe DoEsN't WaNnA bAn MuH aSsAuLt WeApOnS!!!!!!!!!!