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When you try to light your fart on fire and someone says it didn’t catch fire but it did.

I swore I saw a blue flame when I lit my fart on fire. Stop asslighting me saying I’m just seeing things. My butt hairs are singed and I know what I saw. It’s not funny making me think I’m crazy.

by Musbdax August 26, 2021

2👍 1👎


Hispanic Bro greeting usually used in southern Cali and the Yay Area.

Quepasup homie? We need to kick it and get some phat ass Michaladas.

by Musbdax February 4, 2023


When a girl has cheated on you several times then tells you it’s your fault because you didn’t give her enough attention is a true hyperskank.

Dang bruhd, how many time did that girl Kay cheat on yo ass? If it’s more than 2 time then she definitely has achieved HYPERSKANK status.

by Musbdax July 16, 2018


Combination of "Bro" + "Bud".

Bruhd lets go pump some iron or check out some babes at the beach.

by Musbdax January 17, 2016

3👍 1👎


When your labradoodle goes missing on the Mexican border and comes back pregnant and puppies come out rabid and mangy they are cute little chupacabradoodles.

Those puppies are cute but I’m afraid they will also naw all the meat off my ankles. Yeah they are Chupacabradoodle puppies.

by Musbdax October 9, 2022


When you take a crypto joke seriously and invest very early on in the historical climb of one of the best investments in the history of man kind.

Man Craig invested $5 in Dogecoin at .008 and now that fools a Dogillionare driving a Lambo.

by Musbdax May 5, 2021