Source Code


1.)A 14 year old prubescent teenager nerd, who will leave with his dad(s) the rest of his life.

2.)He makes programs for the AIM community by stealing open source program code and editing it.

3.)Another word for a poser who listens to rap/hip hop because he thinks it's cool like his programs.

4.) To hit a faggot nerd, who is self-centered and poserish.

Dude, I just blonked that bitch

by Mx March 11, 2005

9πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Students Against Destructive decisions (formally known as Students Against Drinking and Driving)
Against many forms of drugs, narcotics, etc. Formed of people who believe what everyone tells them, and will eventually jump off of a cliff because someone told them they were druggies if they didn't.

"The media says drugs are bad, so I decided to join SADD."

"That one commercial with the high guys running over the little kid looked so real."

"I've never done drugs, but I'm against them because I know all about them."

by Mx November 1, 2003

50πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž



The most elitest hacker in the world.

Can 'pwn' any AIM/AOL sn there is.

Is also said to be very intelligent, sexy.


He is reffered to as 'MX' by the AIM Community.

Girl with leeto sn: OMG, someone just stole my screenname!!!
Hacker who knows MX: it was prolly Maxamize
Girl with leeto sn: Alright, I hope he doesn't steal my other 3 characters.

by Mx January 23, 2005

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Referrs to the 16:9 aspect ratio that movies and some TV shows are filmed in. Many new high-definition TVs have screens capable of displaying this aspect ratio without vertically compressing the image, as would happen when trying to watch a widescreen-formatted movie or show on a traditional TV.

Most DVD movies are in widescreen format. Some video games also support it.

by Mx February 9, 2004

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A word used to define something that is beyond ill, therefore it is iliad.

Dude, True Romance written by Quentin Tarintino is the Iliad

by Mx October 25, 2004

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An object or event that is seemingly out of place in time.

The watch on Charleton Heston's wrist in "The Ten Commandments" seemed an anachronism when it was mistakenly visible in the actual movie.

by Mx December 17, 2003

66πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


1) A very extraordinary hacker who gets paid to do absolutely nothing such as website/ftp exploitation, social engineering, and opticle cryptography processing. See Cam0.

2)To assign the highest importance to.

3)The best.

4)Sometimes Maximize is spelled "Maxamize", when this occurs it is recognized as a flaw to one's spelling, but to hackers it is encouraged as a "1337" way of talking especially when you are referring to MX from the AOL Scene.

5)A computer/graphics mastermind. See Mx also.

- OMG, Maximize. Can you please hack me a website, perferably AOL?

- Γ’Β€Βœthe ideal of maximizing opportunity through the equalizing of educational opportunityҀ (Robert J. Havighurst)"

- I need to Maximize my graphics so I can get more hits on my website! Oh, MX will you develop these images for me?!?

by Mx April 28, 2005

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