Gorgeous girl with the kindest heart, slightly irritating during the first few encounters, but overtime you begin to appreciate her quirks and imperfections. It's what makes one human. She likes to steal chip packets from your hands whilst your distracted by a conversation or event, and then runs away from you when you try to retrieve the chip packet. She is talented in ways that she and others dont understand. Leah is the girl you meet and overtime fall in love with. Her sparkling personality and gracious looks are too irresistable for any sane, straight man.
Person 1: Hey man check that girl out, shes cute.
Person 2: Nah man shes so irritating, screw that
Person 3: You two are stupid, thats Leah you're talking about there
Person 2: Holy shit I didn't realise
Person 1: Told you she was a good one
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