Source Code

Goofy ahh

A word used by useless fucks who have no life ugly fucks who get ZERO bitches

Person A: I’m into men.
Person B: goofy ahh💀

by Mydickishuge928283 March 15, 2022

105👍 137👎


Dragon ball

Person A: what does the word “peak” mean
A person with a huge cock& gets bitches& big huge balls: peak=dragon ball

by Mydickishuge928283 March 24, 2022

5👍 6👎


Used by fatherless kids on the internet these r the type of kids who don’t touch grass.

Person A: my grandmother died 2 seconds ago…
Person B: ratio child.

by Mydickishuge928283 March 24, 2022

2👍 3👎


Grown ass man showing his cock on a kids app

Person A: have you seen that ugly ass black man swinging his cock on a kids app
Person B: are you talking about Jemeat

by Mydickishuge928283 May 29, 2022

2👍 4👎