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A semi derogatory title temporarily assigned to any person within a group of gay men and hot women while the group ridicules that person .

Omg girl look at Mary over there sitting on that weirdo’s lap. You gotta go get him this time I’m done babysitting his ass.

by Myowndragon May 5, 2019

4👍 2👎


A set minimum number of tickets and/or citations each police officer must issue every calendar month.

“Can you believe that dick pulled me over for going like 5 mph over the limit? End of the month asshole was just trying to make his quota.”

by Myowndragon May 5, 2019

on the wide

An expression used to describe the plentifulness of something

“Brah! You should have came down, they was selling everything cheep! Deals on the wide.”

by Myowndragon May 5, 2019