Christine is one of the nicest people you will ever meet you may start off first as enemies but because of her kind hearted and forgiving nature she will forgive you allowing you to become best friends but not just any best friend the best you can image with carful listening and comforting advice you may have a couple fights but they all blow over and she will always be the best person you know so if you even meet and Christine and become close make sure you never let her go
Eion :Man I can't believe I'm friends with a Christine
Philip :Wow your such a lucky person
116👍 159👎
She will first seem kind and nice and steal your heart without you knowing and you will be cast under her spell. She will use you for attention money and present to make herself feel better and feed her ever growing need for attention. She will start to test you worse making you feel depressed and making you seem everything is your fault. You will continuously fight but almost come around in a circle back to liking her. The circle will be hard to break but once done you will be free from this skank bitch and a sigh of relief is needed. Do not trust a Lili as the worst think you could do would he to underestimate her
Matthew: I have been so upset ever since Lili has lost interest in me
Alice: stay away from her as she's a selfish person trying to exploit you
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