(n) a person who is a bit of a twat. Gormless of sorts. Lacks character or does stuff that isn't really adding value.
Hey Jamie, where are the left over hamburgers?
Oh, Brad ate them.
He is such a spanklenuts!
Yep, he sure is.
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A person from Great Britain or UK (same thing) who emigrates to another country and shares their opinions about what's wrong with their new place of residence or work.
'Arry: Hey oop, no decent curry 'ere!
Bill: Noo, no decent football, crisps or beer either!
'Arry: Aye, too warm in all.
Hickman: Well piss off back home then you Pomunist!
A person who is a bit of a dick. The kind of person who would fart in an elevator as he leaves or eat the last slice of pizza, even after eating most of it, before others arrive to have their first piece.
Who ate all the pies?
Oh, that was Lachlan
But I didn't get any!
Yeah, What a Wankle Mc Knuck Knucks.
True Dat
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(n) A military aircraft configured to drop paratroopers. So called because if the parachute of the paratrooper does not open, then the sky diver becomes a meat bomb.
Hey Falvey, what is that C-130 Hercules carrying today?
Well Lachlan, it is taking some of the 82nd Airborne paratroopers out for jump practice.
Ok then, it is on meat bomber duties. I hope there won't be any mess.
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When you have skipped a shit one day, so that when you poo the following day, it is a double dump.
Furthermore, the first Portion stinks more as it has festered inside you for some time.
Hey Lachlan, I'm gonna be late back from lunch!
Why is that, Falvey?
Oh, I have to have a double dump.
You will be a while, make sure you spray!
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A Pokezombie is a person who is so intent on playing Pokemon Go, that they forget about the real world and get in the way of people or get hurt stumbling around fixated on their screen.
*Person walks out onto road and gets hit by a car*
Driver: What the hell was that?
Passenger: Just a Pokezombie. Keep going, he didn't know what hit him.
Smooth moves to obtain goods or services. Often to the other sex.
Brad: I was going to get a parking ticket for being 5 minutes over but I put on my schmooves for the lady and she let me off.
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