People who make others want to run away.
Emos, crack addicts, crazies, fuglies, and the deranged are all examples of run-awaysies.
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Used to describe an icy bitch whose very gaze turns even the hottest of rods stone cold.
That fucking gorgon turned my dick inside out.
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When members of the female gender use the festivities of Halloween as an excuse to dress up like prostitutes, regardless of how attractive said members are.
Even the fuglies at my job dress up for Whore-aween.
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the sound when one is utterly disgusted
When Danny saw the emo-kids making out, all he could say was, "Uuuuuuugh!"
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One whose face looks like foot.
When dragon hunting, foot-faces make quite the catch.
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short for beatings; an ass-kicking.
Andy laid down some 'tings with his 'goyf.
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