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An attention seeking member
of the alternative left.

Name derived from activities that result in bodily harm that garner either sympathetic praise from the alt left or ridicule in most far right groups.

These activities include, but are not limited to; -Cutting ones wrists or thighs
-drug/ alcohol abuse
-playing on severity of mental illnesses
-swindling people put of money

The Freebleeder is able to get away with activities listed above due to societal norms of "sweeping it under the rug"

"Saw that chick post another cringe TiK Tok, she was crying whilst dancing. What an absolute Freebleeder"

by Namdrater December 8, 2021

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A member of the LGBTQ+ community that spreads the word of the LGBTQ+ ideology to any and all around them, whether or not anyone asked or if it's even relevant to the topic of conversation.

Characteristics defined by this offshoot of the LBGTQ+ community members include;

- Self insertion into conversations
- Heavily argumentative

- Unapologetically annoying
- Their sexuality being their one and only personality trait
- Prone to virtue signalling
- Resorts to childish insults when met with logical debate or factual evidence

Person 1# "So today I had a Trans-Missionary tell me that my hair style is cultural appropriation"

Person 2# "Really? What did you say?"

Person 1# "I told them that their septum piercing and coloured hair is also a form of cultural appropriation and as a result was met with insults based on the colour of my skin"

by Namdrater August 28, 2021